Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Zygomatic Dental Implants

Periodontitis is a severe infection in the teeth that, if left untreated, can affect the density of the jawbone. This condition can lead to teeth needing to be removed and replaced. In the past, patients who needed new teeth turned to solutions like dentures, which required extensive daily cleaning and were not necessarily comfortable. In recent years, many periodontists have instead recommend dental implants to periodontitis patients, but some of these implants included grafts and were costly and lengthy. Zygomatic dental implants are an implant solution for the upper row of teeth. These implants have long anchors that insert into the zygomatic bones near the cheeks and sinuses. Zygomatic implants are less costly and less lengthy as well.

What are Zygomatic Dental Implants?

Traditionally, dental implants are anchored directly into the jawbone, but for some patients, this isn’t possible due to low jawbone density. In a zygomatic implant procedure, the periodontist inserts implants that are significantly longer and reach the zygomatic bone. These implants are less invasive than grafting procedures and provide a solution for patients who need implants with a longer reach.

What is the Procedure Like?

Zygomatic implants were invented in 1988 and became available to the American public in 1998 after a full decade of testing. If you are interested in zygomatic implants, you will first need to meet with a periodontist to discuss your options. Depending on the density of your jawbone and your overall profile of wellness, you may have multiple options. After an initial consultation, the periodontist will recommend which solution is right for you. Zygomatic implants are complex procedures requiring general anesthetic. Patients typically take about four months to fully recover, though the fixed teeth are placed in the zygomatic implant three days after the surgery.

These implants work only for the upper jaw due to the location of the zygomatic bones. A long anchor is inserted into each zygomatic bone in addition to two to four implants anchoring the prosthesis to the front row of teeth.

How Do I Know if Zygomatic Dental Implants are Right for Me?

There are many reasons that a patient may need a dental prosthesis. Some of these factors are out of their control. Periodontists are eager to help patients find relief from jaw pain, infection, and the inability to live a life free of negative, self-conscious feelings.

Some patients with low jawbone density may opt for grafting procedures. Grafing procedures take a special synthetic grafting substance—or, if necessary, a piece of bone from another part of the body—and attach it to the jawbone. This process yields a denser surface to which the implants can be attached. With a zygomatic dental implant process, no grafting occurs. There may be a shorter recovery time, but the process itself is more complex.

How Do I Find a Periodontal Surgeon?

When choosing any healthcare professional, it’s important to choose one you can trust. The Center for Advanced Periodontal & Implant Therapy is located in Los Angeles and has an established track record of success. We work with patients like you to find relief and regain a gorgeous smile. Contact us today to schedule an initial consultation.

The post Zygomatic Dental Implants appeared first on Implant Perio CENTER.

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