Monday, October 17, 2016

6 Tips for a Healthy Smile That Lasts

Los Angeles Dental Health SpecialistsAs the fall season changes the world around us, it’s easy to think about how our bodies are affected by time and age. As such, this season should also be a time for reflecting on the changes we all experience with age. Considering how intrinsically linked our oral health is to our overall health, particularly as we grow older, Dr. Alexandre-Amir Aalam and Dr. Alina Krivitsky would like to remind everyone to pay special attention to their teeth and gums this season for a strong, healthy smile at any age. Don’t wait to get the gum disease treatment you need as early as possible.

If there ever was a time to get started on healthy habits for a smile that lasts, there’s no better time than now! Keep the following information in mind and don’t forget to schedule a consultation at the CENTER for Advanced Periodontal & Implant Therapy in Los Angeles.

Keeping Your Smile Healthy is a Lifelong Commitment

Proper oral hygiene should begin before your first tooth has even broken the surface of your gums and continue well into your older years, even after you’ve received a full set of dentures in your late 80s. Throughout your lifetime, countless factors will threaten the health of your smile, and it is up to you to prevent gum disease, severe tooth decay, and more with the following tips and available procedures at the CENTER for Advanced Periodontal & Implant Therapy in LA.

Daily Dental Habits

Every single day offers numerous opportunities to practice healthy dental habits. From brushing and flossing your teeth thoroughly twice a day to choosing less sugary snacks and drinks, there are plenty of simple ways to keep your smile as clean and healthy as possible well into old age. Start by dispelling the top most common myths about oral health and gum disease, and don’t forget to schedule a regular cleaning.

Periodontal Scaling and Root Planing

One of the earliest signs of gum disease is gum recession. Without thorough brushing and flossing, harmful bacteria and debris can build up along the gum line, creating what is known as dental plaque. The longer this plaque remains, it can calcify and harden into tartar which can damage the teeth and gums, resulting in red, swollen, or bleeding gums, cavities, and eventual tooth loss due to gum disease.

If caught early enough, an effective gum disease treatment called periodontal scaling and root planing can help clear away plaque and tartar from the surface of the crown, along the gum line, and even at the roots. Removing this buildup allows the gums to heal and protect the teeth, reducing the impact of gum disease.

Learn more about gum disease and gingivitis at

PRF Treatment

Advanced-platelet rich fibrin is used in a variety of dental procedures, including dry socket treatments, gummy smile correction, and other oral surgery procedures. Advanced-platelet rich fibrin (PRF) is essentially concentrated platelets and white blood cells, which are essential for healing and regenerating tissue.

PRF treatment begins with placing a small sample of a patient’s blood into a centrifuge and separating the platelets and white blood cells from the red blood cells. The resulting platelet-rich fibrin is then placed into a surgical site to enhance the body’s ability to heal the gum tissue in less time and with better chances of success. PRF implants can help reduce the damage caused by gum disease and harmful oral bacteria, making it easier to keep the teeth and gums strong.

Gum Grafts

Also known as gum lifts, gum grafts are an effective procedure for restoring a patient’s natural gum line, which may have receded as a result of periodontal disease or even trauma. The gum grafts technique is similar to a PRF treatment in that a small amount of gum tissue is taken from the roof of the patient’s mouth and attached to the recessed area. However, through our advanced RejuvaGum Lift, patients can avoid painful graft surgery in favor of minimally invasive use of PRF treatment. The gum graft helps heal the affected area quicker while also covering exposed roots and reducing root sensitivity. In many cases, patients choose to undergo gum grafts for cosmetic reasons, but the procedure can drastically improve the health of a patient’s mouth. PRF gum grafts may be performed to combine the healing and regenerative benefits of both platelet-rich fibrin and gum grafts for faster results.

Dental Implants

In the event of one or more missing teeth, one of the best solutions is a dental implant. A missing tooth can not only make a person feel self-conscious, but the gap can also lead to weakened gum tissue and bone, which may impact the surrounding teeth and make it difficult for the individual to eat. Dental implants can fill in the empty space with a natural looking tooth that helps reinforce the surrounding gum and bone tissue, as well as serve as a long-term alternative to dentures. Dental implants are easier to clean and use than dentures and can reduce the risk of gum disease and other potential damage throughout one’s life.

Make Semi-Annual Appointments

Perhaps the most important step in maintaining a strong, healthy, beautiful smile throughout one’s lifetime is simply to schedule appointments with a skilled dentist or periodontal specialist every six months or more. There’s no substitute for professional dental or periodontal care when it comes to keeping your teeth and gums in the best shape possible and for spotting issues such as gum disease or oral cancer at the first earliest sign.

Meet with a Los Angeles Periodontal Expert Today!

If you are ready to ensure that your smile lasts for years to come, do not wait to schedule a thorough screening and treatment at the CENTER for Advanced Periodontal and Implant Therapy in Los Angeles. Whether your teeth are in need of scaling or gum disease treatment, Dr. Aalam and Dr. Krivitsky have extensive training and experience helping patients achieve stronger, healthier gums. Call (310) 299-8329 for gum disease treatment today!

Next, read So You Have Gum Disease… Now What?

The post 6 Tips for a Healthy Smile That Lasts appeared first on Implant Perio CENTER.

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